Refund & Returns Policy

Our Return Process is simple and hassle free. You can return your merchandise to our warehouse up to 30 days from your item’s ship date.
Returns must be in original condition, unworn/unused with original tags and labels.
Your return item(s) will be inspected upon arrival before your refund is processed. Once we receive the returned merchandise, we will credit your account within 10 business days. You will receive a confirmation email once this is completed. Original shipping charges are not included in the refunded price. Based on your financial institution, it can take up to 2 to 10 business days to reflect on your account statement once your refund is processed.
How do I return an incorrect item?
We apologize if you have received an incorrect item and will gladly resolve this issue as soon as possible.
:Please note: All incorrect merchandise must be reported within 30 days of your order’s ship date for packages shipped within the United States, and within 45 days of your order’s ship date for packages shipped Internationally. If we are notified of an incorrect item(s) after these timeframes, we will be unable to process your request.
If you are reporting a wrong item received, please follow the instructions below to receive a refund or replacement for your item:
Email Us and let us know of your issue. Be sure to have your order number ready and a Fan Advocate will be happy to assist you!
Once you have contacted us, you can return the incorrect item. Simply fill out the Return Form and ship this item back to us using the prepaid return label. By contacting us, we will be able to waive the return label fee for you.
If possible, the Fan Advocate will replace your item immediately. If you prefer a refund, the item will need to be returned to us first and your refund will be processed upon receipt of the merchandise.
Damaged or Defective Merchandise.
We apologize if you have received a damaged or defective item and will gladly resolve this issue as soon as possible.
Please note: All damaged/defective merchandise must be reported within 30 days of your order’s ship date for packages shipped within the United States, and within 45 days of your order’s ship date for packages shipped Internationally. If we are notified of your damaged item(s) after this timeframe, we will be unable to process your request.
If you are reporting a damaged/defective item, please follow the instructions below to receive a refund or replacement:
Email Us and let us know of your issue. Be sure to have your order number ready and we will be happy to assist you!
Once you have contacted us, you can return your item. Simply fill out the Return Form and ship your defective item back to us using the prepaid return label. By contacting us, we will be able to waive the return label fee for you.
If possible, we will replace your item immediately. If you prefer a refund, the item will need to be returned to us first and your refund will be processed upon receipt of the merchandise.